AFS Retirement for Alumni/Retirees

University of Michigan Information and Technology Services (ITS) began retiring Andrew File System (AFS) storage for Alumni and Retirees starting October 26, 2023. AFS was retired for Alumni/Retirees in May 2024.

What is AFS?

The Andrew File System (AFS) is a central file storage, sharing, and retrieval system known by many names since its creation in 1992. It has been referred to as “IFS” or “AFS.” It was accessible via “mFile” or through mapped drives from Campus Computing Sites. You may have also used it in the past either to host a static personal web page or to login to UNIX platforms.

Does this Apply to Me?

If you are an Alumni or Retiree that has used the University of Michigan Andrew File System (AFS) at some point in the last 30 years, your data has been removed from AFS.

Other Questions?

Visit the Alumni/Retirees AFS Retirement Frequently Asked Questions for additional information.