Microsoft Teams at U-M

Notice: The new Microsoft Teams desktop experience will become the standard experience on March 31, 2024. After this date, you can no longer switch back to the classic Teams experience.

Microsoft Teams is a communication and collaboration platform developed by Microsoft as part of the Microsoft 365 family of products. It incorporates a feature set similar to Zoom, Google Meet, and other products offering workspace chat, videoconferencing, and file collaboration. Refer to the U-M Videoconferencing Tools Comparison Chart to learn how Teams compares to other videoconferencing tools at U-M.

Microsoft Teams is available to all active faculty, staff, students, emeritus, and Type-1 and Type-2 sponsored affiliates and is available at no additional cost. Alumni and retirees are not included in the university's licensing terms with Microsoft. For more information on alumni and retirees, refer to Microsoft 365: Accounts for People Who Leave U-M.

Important: You must sign in with your email address and UMICH password to access Microsoft Teams.

We recommend you download and install the Microsoft Teams desktop client to get started. You can also access the Microsoft Teams web client at

Sensitive Data

Microsoft Teams may be used with some types of sensitive university data, according to the Sensitive Data Guide: Microsoft Teams at U-MMicrosoft Teams provided by ITS is not HIPAA compliant and should not be used to store or transmit any sensitive data such as Patient Health Information (PHI). You and the university community have a shared responsibility to use U-M Dropbox appropriately with sensitive university data and take the necessary precautions.

Michigan Medicine

Michigan Medicine offers its own Microsoft 365 and Teams environment. Refer to the HITS Microsoft Teams page for more information.

The ITS-managed Microsoft 365 and Teams services are not recommended for Michigan Medicine business, education, or research use and are not permitted for patient-care use (i.e., not HIPAA compliant). Content or Teams developed in the campus instance cannot be migrated to the future Michigan Medicine instance.